This is why Dave Ramsey loves CHM
Doctor sitting at desk and writing a prescription for her patient

This is why Dave Ramsey loves CHM

You may have heard about Christian Healthcare Ministries from a friend, internet, or even by listening to The Ramsey Show. But what exactly is it? CHM is a health cost-sharing ministry that supports a debt-free lifestyle. Is the model unique? Absolutely, with intention! And whether you’re paying off student loans, saving for your first house, or gearing up for retirement, we all have financial goals.

CHM can help you:

  • Free up room in your budget with our healthcare programs
  • Honor God with your finances
  • Secure financial peace before you incur healthcare costs
  • Save money, allowing you to apply it to other financial goals you may have.
Other advantages of becoming a member of CHM include:
  • A variety of programs to meet different budgets and needs
  • Unlimited sharing amount with Gold and Brother’s Keeper programs
  • Freedom when choosing your healthcare provider and making treatment decisions
  • Generous maternity program and family options
  • Ministry-minded staff who pray for—and with—you 
  • FREE months of membership when others join from your referral 

Throughout the United States, hundreds of thousands of Christians use biblical principles to meet the rising demands of healthcare costs. Together, CHM members have voluntarily contributed $6 billion to assist each other with medical expenses since the ministry began 40 years ago. As the original health cost-sharing ministry, this community of believers has changed thousands of lives financially and spiritually by choosing to bear one another’s burdens. 

Plus, like a Better Business Bureau Accredited Charity that ministers through budget-friendly programs and a faithful framework, it’s a program you can count on! 

We here at Medi-Share Reviews have a tremendous amount of respect for Christian personal finance guru Dave Ramsey. His advice on homeownership, investing, budgeting, and taxes is well-informed and comes from an honest and knowledgeable Christian perspective.

Reader Luke H. has pointed out that Mr. Ramsey has discussed Christian healthcare sharing ministries, and Medi-Share specifically, on his site.

After praising Christian healthcare sharing ministries in general, calling most of them “very reliable,” Mr. Ramsey singles out Medi-Share’s “great reputation.”

He then points out correctly that Christian health insurance alternatives are not insurance and don’t face the same regulations as insurance companies. This means that you need one with a long track record of serving its members, such as the 28 years that Medi-Share has been providing affordable healthcare sharing. 

“In 1993, a formalized approach to sharing healthcare burdens began with the Medi-Share program. From small beginnings, this big idea took root.”

​By the way, in case Mr. Ramsey’s post isn’t available when you click on it, here are his exact words:

Several programs have long track records of always doing what they say. I wouldn’t go with one that doesn’t have several decades under its belt. Medicare, as an example, has an excellent reputation.

Mr. Ramsey correctly advises his readers to be careful because Christian healthcare sharing ministries are not insurance, a point that we talk about more in our post: “What is Christian Health Insurance?” As well as our central YouTube MediShare review, we also have our newer YouTube video specifically on Medi-Share Reviews and Dave Ramsey.

If you believe in Dave Ramsey’s advice and are looking for an inexpensive health insurance alternative, please request your free info packet directly from Medi-Share, providing many more details and telling you exactly how much you would pay each month as a member.