How Can We Help Environment by Recycling?

As per a report, Canadians waste around 400 beverage containers per year per capita. Plastic beverage containers or bottles are becoming a major concern and a growing segment of municipal solid waste items in Calgary. More than 2 million plastic bottles are thrown away per hour, creating unnecessary waste. But by recycling the containers or bottles through bottle depot Calgary NE, you can take a great step towards protecting the environment.

Create a Habit of Recycling Bottles

Even though plastic bottles or beverage containers are the most accepted recyclables, a huge portion of them enter the municipal solid water stream. Recycling those bottles can help the earth by lowering the amount of oil and gas utilized in producing plastic and lowering greenhouse gas emissions and water or ground pollution. Well, now you can easily recycle your beverage containers by working with a professional bottle depot offering flexible bottle depot hours. Now, let’s talk about how you can protect the environment by recycling bottles.

Conservation of Energy

In general, when plastic bottles or beverage containers are thrown out, they are replaced with new bottles made of virgin materials. And manufacturing new bottles using primary materials will consume more energy compared to production using old bottles. Besides, it can produce different types of pollutants, such as toxic liquid effluents, airborne emissions, and more.

As per a report, by recycling around one pound of PET – Polyethylene Terephthalate, it is possible to conserve heat energy of around 12,000 BTUs. So, if you are in search of an effective and efficient way to recycle your empty plastic bottles, you can take the help of bottle depot Calgary NE.

Waste Reduction

It is a fact that landfill space is very limited, and plastic or beverage container waste is further reducing the space. Recycling bottles can help in conserving more space, and that can be utilized for other waste. As per data published by Earth911, landfill space of around 7 cubic yards can be saved by recycling one ton of plastic. Besides, with this, you can greatly contribute towards keeping the roadways as well as water sources safe.

Conservation of Resources

Recycling beverage containers can help to conserve different natural resources, like oil. As per the EPA- Environmental Protection Agency, by recycling around 1 ton of bottles, it is possible to conserve around 4 barrels of crude oil. If you have a beverage container manufacturing business, then you should try to recycle old bottles with the help of a bottle depot return it center, and you can save more oil and increase your production capacity.

Decreased Pollution

Another major reason behind recycling plastic bottles is that it will lower the pollution in water sources as well as air. Plastic bottles can release harmful irritants or pollutants into the air. On the other hand, a plastic resin used to produce water bottles has harmful chemicals that can seep into groundwater or soil. By developing a habit of recycling bottles, you can prevent such things.

You Can Lower the Greenhouse Gas Emissions

When you manufacture plastic bottles or containers, the process produces different greenhouse gasses, like carbon dioxide. Such gasses can trigger the effect of global warming. As the bottle recycling process consumes fewer fossil fuels or energy, the greenhouse gas emissions levels will be low. You can lower the carbon dioxide emission by around 300 pounds just by recycling plastic waste.

Take this matter seriously and recycle bottles with the help of a bottle depot in Calgary, NE, and keep the environment safe. Besides, some bottle deposits accept containers with a refund facility. So, you can save money as well as your environment by opting for this. Make this your business’s first choice.