Doing Ardha Pincha Mayurasana (Dolphin Pose) has these 5 benefits for health, learn how to do it
Doing Ardha Pincha Mayurasana (Dolphin Pose) has these 5 benefits for health, learn how to do it

Doing Ardha Pincha Mayurasana (Dolphin Pose) has these 5 benefits for health, learn how to do it

There are many benefits to health by doing yoga. Explain that yoga is part of a good lifestyle. Many health problems can be overcome with yoga. Today we are talking about Ardha Pincha Mayurasana. Please note that this is a Sanskrit word. At the same time it is called Dolphin Pose in English. Ardha Pincha Mayurasana is made up of four words. The first word ardha means half while the second word is pinch which means feather. The third word peacock means peacock while the fourth word is called asana. There are many health benefits by doing this asana. Today’s article is also on this topic. Today we will tell you through this article what are the health benefits of doing Ardha Pincha Mayurasana. Also you will learn about how to do it. Read on.

If you are a fitness freak and want to know more about yoga poses, then you can join a 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh.

Benefits of doing Ardha Pincha Mayurasana:

  • Ardha Pinch Mayurasana can be very useful for you in increasing blood circulation. Explain that while doing this yoga, the hips are upwards and the head is downwards, in such a situation, there can be an increase in blood circulation.
  • By doing Ardha Pincha Mayurasana, the lower abdominal muscles can be strengthened. Also, it can help you in making the spine strong.
  • Anxiety can also be controlled by doing this asana. In today’s time people are suffering from stress a lot. In such a situation, it can also be very useful for you in removing stress.
  • Doing Ardhapincha Mayurasana not only puts pressure on the muscles of the hands but also stretches the muscles of the legs. In such a situation, this posture can be very useful for you for the right balance of the body.
  • In today’s time, people are suffering from the problem of digestive system due to wrong eating habits and such a situation, let us tell that this asana can be very useful in making the digestive system healthy.

The Right Way to Do Dolphin Pose

Step – 1 First of all, lay a yoga mat on the ground and stand on it.

Step – 2 Now after standing in the position of Tadasana, take your hands down. During this your knees should not be bent.

Step – 3 Keep your hands on the ground and try to keep the elbows on the ground as well. During this you will feel the stretch on your feet.

Step – 4 However, at this time try not to put too much pressure on your shoulders or knees.

Step – 5 By making your knees hard, bring your body also in the shape of V and stand in this position for about a few seconds.

Step – 6 You can also set the time according to your capacity.

Step – 7 Now to come to the old position, first of all take your hands upwards and come to the earlier position.

If you want to explore and learn more about yoga poses, you can join an Yoga School in Rishikesh.

Precautions to be taken while doing Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

People who have diarrhea should not do this asana.

If a person is troubled by neck pain, shoulder pain, then doing this asana can increase the problem. Therefore, avoid doing this asana.

If you have any kind of pain in your knee and spine or there is a problem of arthritis, then do this asana on the advice of the doctor.

People who have high blood pressure problem, they should do this asana on the advice of the doctor.

Note – The points mentioned above show that doing Ardha Pincha Mayurasana can have many health benefits. But if you are doing this asana for the first time, then we would advise that this asana should be done only under the supervision of an expert. If you have trouble with any of the problems mentioned above, then before adding this asana to your daily routine, consult an expert once. Let us tell you that the right time to do this asana is considered to be in the morning. On the other hand, if you are doing this asana in the evening, then do this asana about 3 to 4 hours before eating food. Keep in mind that the stomach should be completely empty before this asana, only then you can get the full benefit.