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‘Stronger’ Strong Customer Authentication Boosts Fraud Prevention

During the last day of 2019, an unknown virus (later identified as COVID-19, a strain from the coronavirus family) started spreading in Wuhan, China. After a while, the virus then began spreading across the world. Due to the widespread and rising numbers of infected individuals, governments worldwide mandated travel restrictions and health protocols, such as wearing masks and staying at home. 


The mandate forced businesses to operate within a limited scale and adapt to the work-from-home setup. This obligated companies to rely more on technology–from communications to payments and deliveries. And with the pandemic forcing the digitalization of almost everything, cybercrime became more prominent than ever. 


Authentication is one of the most crucial security measures for every business. This is necessary to ensure legitimacy and avoid cybersecurity issues. And one of the most common authentication methods is passwords. However, this verification process can easily be breached by criminals. It is proven that most cyberattacks are rooted in passwords. 


In response to the growing cyber threat, tech companies continuously develop a more robust verification system. One of which is the MFA.

Multi – Factor Authentication

MFA is a development that is indeed more robust than passwords alone. But this verification method could still be vulnerable to hackers and scammers. Good thing FIDO2 was created. FIDO2 is a project that aims to create a stronger authentication factor by using cryptography and biometrics. Furthermore, the FIDO2 supports digital signature API, which adds another layer of security for your account. By integrating FIDO2 on your website or applications, you can ensure safe and secure authentication. Moreover, you can also add FIDO2 passwordless authentication to your digital wallet and safely access your crypto or bitcoin wallet.

Cybersecurity has always been a prevailing problem to authorities, businesses, and clients alike. In response, tech companies have developed numerous ways to strengthen authentication protocols and MFA or multi-factor authentication. MFA is an electronic authentication method wherein users will only be granted access to a website or application if they present two or more pieces of evidence of their identity. 

MFA Passwords

The most common combinations of MFA are passwords plus email or passwords and SMS. As compared to passwords alone, MFA may seem more robust and reliable. However, hackers and scammers still found a way to breach the system of MFA. Once a hacker cracks the password to an email account or a fraudster gets ahold of the SIM card, it will be easy for them to use your information for illicit purposes.


This is why businesses must use a secure verification method to ensure the safety of their confidential information and their customers’ data. And this is possible by using a combination of a device-based and biometric authentication factor, which can be done by integrating FIDO webauthn. This browser-based API allows web applications to simplify and secure user authentication. It uses FIDO2 key cryptography to ensure more robust fraud prevention. Additionally, FIDO2 certification offers a transaction confirmation with digital signatures that customers can use. This tool can be used as an additional layer of fraud prevention. 


They say passwordless login is now the most secure, private authentication for the future – LoginID. Moreover, passwordless logins are way more convenient than creating and tracking numerous password combinations.


With the continuous progress of technology, a secure, private authentication for the future – LoginID will always be possible. You can create a safe, secure, and seamless authentication for your business as long as you keep up with the latest technological advancements. All you need to do is learn about the latest technology developments. And you can start do that by reading this article from LoginID. 

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